
February 25, 2009

portrait sketches


  1. Terrific portraits Isabel. The expressions and poses tell a real story into the lives of the sitters. I particularly like the one of the young boy.

  2. Wow! You've been very busy...but for a true artist such as yourself, it probably just flew by in time.

  3. sheila, most of them are oldies butI do sketch everyday, thanks for visiting and thankyou both for your comments

  4. I love figurative painting and hope to learn more from your sketches...

  5. delicadísimos!!
    me encantan tus apuntes Isabel, transmitiéndonos lo vivido y llenos de sensibilidad!

  6. I just found your blog, via Urban Sketchers. I lived in Nouakchott for 3 years, and your pictures bring back so many memories, and even brought me to tears. Thank you so much for sharing them.. . the portraits, the tea-making, the landscapes. . . so many memories! You capture the essence of Mauritania beautifully.

  7. thank you all for your comments and I'm happy Carrie that you did rediscover Mauritania, I feel happy that I portray so well a country I have fallen in love with you might want to check my blog on Nouakchott

  8. Que sorte ter a oportunidade de desenhar na Mauritânia, é certamente mais interessante desenhar pessoas numa cultura diferente da nossa e que ainda está tão ligada à terra e às tradições.
    Bons desenhos!

  9. Thanks for your comment on my blog - your new stuff is incredible - very inspiring; keep up the good work!

  10. Your blog is fascinating. You really convey a sense of place through your work!

  11. I seem to have missed quite a few of your posts lately - wow, Isabel, just wonderful sketches that I've so enjoyed seeing - and the portrait in the last post is outstanding, though I agree I generally prefer a less finished look

  12. wow!!!! Fantastic, so spectacular!


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