
May 26, 2009

wall painting

 Since I got back in Mauritania I've stop sketching instead I started doing this big wall painting based in an idea of making some paintings that will work alongside wall paintings for a future project. 
 So I started with a wall from my living room and soon will be doing a second one in Herman's Auberge, hope I won't run out of walls.


  1. Wow!!! That is really cool!! What a great living space you have, too. I noticed some patterns on the floor as well; did you make those? I think the wall painting will be a big success.

  2. ala!! qué super proyecto!!!
    y qué suerte tener sitios donde llevarlo a cabo! tiene muy buena pinta, espero que nos vayas enseñando la evolución! :-)

  3. This is looking great - I like the way it goes around the corners. Hope you do some more sketching sometime as well though!

  4. Adooooooooooooooooooooooooooro!!!!!!! :D
    Looooooooooooooooooove it!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Tá liiiiiiiiiiiiiindo Isabel :)

    Quero uma parede pintada por ti!!!
    Assim que tiver casa, aviso-te ;)

    um grande grande beijinho ;)

  5. AnonymousMay 29, 2009

    Está lindo !!!! E a tua casa parece ser muito bonita,cheia de luz e de energias positivas.



  6. look wonderful! good idea!
    hope to see next works :)

  7. This is absolutely fabulous. I am in favor of large scale work to live in!

  8. Viva Isabel, em primeiro lugar quero agradecer o comentário que deixou no meu blog, foi de uma imensa simpatia e generosidade. Realmente adicionei-me como seguidor do seu blog porque gosto muito do seu trabalho. Tenho imensa curiosidade pelo seu mundo e por aquilo que nos vai mostrando. Obrigado

  9. Very nice. Brave of you to go so large, I've been inspired. Please show us more.


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