
June 21, 2009

Sketchcrawl in Nouakchott's fishing harbour

Saturday, june 20th, we met at the fishing harbour around 4pm temperatures were high and the color you see in the photos is due to the sand storm. But by the sea side there was a cool breeze and we were happy we were sketching here.
The building you can see was built by the chinese, they're the ones that have given the city its most important and necessary buildings like hospitals, the Olympique stadium, the Palais de Congress, the President's residence and many more. We have to say that they also bring thin quality plastic bags that burst the moment you put an item into them so that the city is covered in those plastic bags.

Those were the late arrivals, they belong to the "maison des artistes", Amal, a moroccan artist living here and Mokhis an Mauritanian artist. I hope to post all sketches in the next days.

Omar Ball one of the favourite and youngest artist in Mauritania.

One of the youngest participants but not the only one. He felt a bit intimidated by the attention but then started to cope with it. Next time we'll bring extra paper and pens for any one that will want to join us.
More photos at

A photo taken by Patrick Flouriot of me sketching in the fishing harbour.


  1. Hi Isabel,
    congratulations for the life you chose. And for sharing it. After all someone living in Mauritania is quite refreshing for any conventional european living in the priviliged side of the world. Makes me dream all the time.
    And thanks for folowing desenhos em blocos. It's a an honour to have such a distinct follower. I'll be seeing you.

  2. AnonymousJune 21, 2009

    Hello Isabel,
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog.
    Nice to see your work as well. The sketchcrawl there look like a nice and friendly event.It would have been lovely.
    Your work is impressive.I like your watercolor. Nice to know you. It is always nice to hear from people that share the same passion. You are welcome anytime at my blog. and i guess i will be a frequent guest here too :)
    greetings from cph,

  3. More pics please :)
    and I'm waiting your sketches :)

  4. The pics and your art are great. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Olá Isabel. Interessnte a ideia de pores as fotos. Fico à espera de ver os desebhos. Ou estão noutro sítio?

  6. Olá Isabel,
    O seu Blog acaba de ser nomeado para o prémio Lemniscata.


  7. hat is a great picture of you...I would love to paint that!


  8. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your sketchcrawl. It's been a long time since I've been on one myself. And your sketches are lovely, as always.


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