
June 28, 2011

Mauritanian music for my exhibition in Lisbon

Today I met Chris from Sahelsounds ( a blog you should visit if you like music). He did a sample of musical field recordings that I will play during my exhibition at the Paula Cabral Art Gallery .
See previews post for more details. Opening night friday 8 of July at 7 pm, all welcome !!!
There will be electric guitar music, bird sounds, road sounds, Koranic recitation and people speaking as the musicians play at a wedding. For us who live in Mauritania this music represents the sounds of the country.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Isabel
    I hope this finds you well. Listen, we would like to use this picture for a podcast that we did about and with Chris on ... we would put your name under it. What do you think? Thanks for coming back to uns!
    Best, Thomas (


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