
July 26, 2011

Card players, old and young

 Jardim Principe Real
 card players in the jardim
card players in the train

The Urbansketchers Symposium at Lisbon came and went in a cloud of excitement and sharing. 
Sharing of drawings, tips and tools, find out more here and here.
I needed a quiet day with no people around me just to try and take in all those days were people that loved drawing were together to share their knowledge and skills with other people that loved drawing and were there to share their knowledge and skills. And that's how it went for three full days, there were no better or worse just different ways of looking and documenting the world around.
For that last day in Lisbon I chose the gardens of Principe Real because of its centenary trees. The card players were a happy discovery even if they were reluctant at the beginning to let me sketch them some finally agreed and I didn't sketch the grumpy ones. But when they saw it finished they loved it and thought it was something out of old times.
The funny thing is that the same day in the train taking me to the south a bunch of young Italians sat in the train's bar and started playing cards, they didn't mind at all that I sketched them and they loved the result even if I had to leave it half way as I had reached my station.


  1. I love to see your situational portraits. I was disappointed not to be in Lisbon. Hopefully next year.


  2. Estão muito bonitos.
    O Príncipe Real é um sítio óptimo para desenhar pois ali passam-se muitas histórias.
    Quando fui ver os teus bonitos quadros na Galeria Paula Cabral também me sentei num banco a desenhar. E encontrei o Marc Holmes que aí estava a pintar.


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