
December 07, 2011

Tailors and artistes

 Diallo et Mamadou, tailors at Medina 3
Patrick Sirot drawing workshop at the "Maison des Artistes", Ilot K

I don't know if was the visit of Enrique that got me out in the streets again. I know I wanted to find time in my busy schedule to go out again for a long time.
 I'm also starting a monthly drawing reportage to be published every month in a free magazine "Citymag" that's distributed in Nouakchott. Another reason to go out more often.

And great news if you're in Lisbon. Don't miss the release of the book put together by Eduardo Salavisa and published by Quimera, "Urban sketchers in Lisbon, drawing the city" a bilingual edition with more than 300 images made by the 200 sketchers from 20 different countries who met at the urban sketchers Symposium,  July 21-23, to sketch and talk about sketching.

1 comment:

  1. Je n'ai jamais mis les pieds en Afrique. Aussi j'apprécie de découvrir ces scènes colorées de la vie quotidienne (et pas seulement les troubles politiques ou les problèmes économiques qui retiennent les médias).


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