
February 29, 2012

Amano Ag Issa & Tadiazt

 I was invited to the house of Amano Ag Issa somewhere in Dar Naim where he has been for the past 10 days after leaving Bamako, Mali with all his family after their home was attacked due to the troubles in the north of the country between Tuaregs fighting for independence and the Malian army.
In 1995 when there where problems in Mali  he had seeked refuge in Mauritania and while in the camp the musical groupe Tartit was formed.
Today his group is know as Tadiazt and his formed by members of his family I had the pleasure to hear their beautiful music and share some hours with them. Hopefully they'll be able to find some work as they're not eligible for help unless they move to the refugee camps set in the border (more than 22 thousand touaregs have reached this camps in Mauritania).
You can listen to their music here and read their story told by one of the sons here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Isabel: I've just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award on The Canadian Art Junkie. Gorgeous work.


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