
March 09, 2012

Women's day, NKC

 meeting place with Caravane d'Espoir
 banners done with the help of Mauritanian artists
 arrival to the Presidencial Palace
 on est lá
I want land

Yesterday 8th March, International women's day, I joined the walk from the Ancienne Maison des Jeunes to the Presidencial Palace, great video here. Young and old, rich and poor walked with banners and asking for the end of violence towards women. WE ARE HERE - NAHNE HOUNA was their cry. It was the first time women had demonstrated for their rights in women's day in Mauritania and the walk counted with the presence of  Marième Daddah, the wife of the first President of Mauritania, Moctar ould Daddah.. 

An hour later with  Minetou mint Moctar Ely at its head (a women that braves the secrecy of her society to expose is negatives ways and to try and change the passive role of women) a second demonstration started as the first one finished.
Sad that, reflecting the political stances of the country, women could not unite for the sake of WOMEN.

But I also understand that a women that gives herself to the causes she defends wouldn't like to walk with some of the women that run some NGO's and that are known here as "poupées de salon.
 The internet information sites reflect once again the countries divided views only showing in their news one of the "walks". So if you read just one of them you wouldn't have been aware of the other , is that real journalism?


  1. journalism is delivering the truth. it could be what's happening on one side, or on one aspect of that one side, or on all sides...

    it is the audience who have the responsibility to know the other. delivering is different from processing. being aware is different from discernment.

  2. Everyone talks about what school to choose, if it's better studying abroad, academy or university. But no one tells you how you will come out (alive) of this experience.

    Drawing for fashion design


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