
May 24, 2015

TED x Nouakchott at Cinema Galaxy

last details for slide presentations

light and speakers, public waiting 
LMK recording event, public

second speaker, the US Emb. Larry André on 'Objectivité'

The much loved presentation of Mr Sahuc the man that build Nouakchott laying the first stone in the 5th May 1958

Must say this young woman did shake the audience, Najwa Kettab is a sociologue

Dr Dia spoke of the difficulties of doctors (not only psychiatrist) of sharing patients with local practitioners and of empathy

Jean Marc Dignac, a passionate about environment and how to change our ways for a better world

Mr X, slammer, worth the wait to listen to him

portion of the text that Mr X read out to a enthralled audience or what was left of it
Find out more about TEDx Nouakchott in this article by MKL (french)

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