
January 26, 2016

Music in Nouakchott, Hassani at Fondation Malouma

Mohamed O Hambare et Lale avec l'ardine

Make O Dendeni avec le tidinit

Sedoum O Beybou O Eide et sa soeur qui répare la corde de l'ardine

musicians at Fondation Malouma

Ghady et Dilite N'gdhey et Lale Teneykmiche

Malouma et l'ambassadeur
What a delight to hear to some bits of live music by these extraordinary musicians from the old schools of 'Trarza', 'Tagant' and the 'deux Hodhs'.
The 'Fondation Malouma produced this double CD with traditional songs from the Hassani culture.
 Having been transmitted from generation to generation orally for centuries is now the work of the Fondation to put that knowledge in written. They have been having the Financial support of the AFAC and of musiciens like Mike Harting.

1 comment:

  1. Isabel, beautiful tender sketches! i wish I could hear the music :)


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