
January 05, 2016

Ouadane, sans festival de villes Anciennes

Every year we leave Nouakchott at the end of December and spend sometime relaxing and enjoying the change in the small Oasis of Ouadane in the Adrar.

The Souk and Landrover

Music, meeting new people, seeing our friends and visiting the oasis close to Ouadane fill our journeys.

Musique from Oualata

Young girls singing in a small grocery

wedding with dancer

dancing and video recording

dancers and young men in the roof terrace
Singing in the market
I normally dont sketch a lot in Ouadane but this year I finished the sketch book I brought in 5 days. I was given a very beautiful one in rice paper by Japanese photographer Chizuko Kato who's been travelling in Mauritania every year since 2002 you can see her work here

Chizuko Kato and her guide Eylia
Like every year we meet plenty of people who travel through all Mauritania, solo or with a guide or with friends. This year we met for the first time Jacques Bonnet an 80 year old french man that has been living in Chinguetty (another well known oasis in the Adrar) for the last 20 years. He's the owner of two camels and he moves around by foot in the company of his camel driver, Nefa.

Jacques Bonnet, chamelier de Chinguetti
He loves going to the Festival's by camel and it took him one week form Chinguetti to Ouadane as there was lots of grass and they let their camels graze. When the Festival is in Oualata it takes him 40 days to arrive there and another 40 days to get back.

Jacques and Nefa, camel drivers
the camel's of Jacques and Nefa

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