
June 08, 2016

Concert in the beach

As part of the international day for the refugees the HCR in Mauritania decided to organise a concert and an exhibition in the IFM and sometime before the real date because they didn't want to do it during Ramadan.. They brought a small groupe of people from the refugee camps of Mbera and two musical groups both tuareg.  That happened a Tuesday.
We asked them to stay a few more days.

Amano ag Issa 
Amano et Mohamed 
very young photographer
And on Sunday a concert was organized in the beach,at the Restaurant Oceanides, the idea behind was to show support and to try to get a bit of cash the musicians could take back with them. I was in charge of the communication and a lot of people joined us. 
What was great was that everybody contributed generously and that will make a difference to the families of those musiciens for a small while at least. 
Amano et Aisha
Abebakrim et Mohamed


A small sample of the music of Tadiazt and of the ''dance of the saber'' can be seen here 

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