
March 18, 2019

El Medh à Bouhdida Toujounine

These drawings date, they're from the 22nd of december 2018, I hadn't touched them since as many others I need to post. I was invited to come and listen to El Medh - songs of praise - by one of the medhahe ( men or women who sings praise songs) it was the christening of her daughter.
A small tent in front of the house for  all to come and sit,his friends, neighbors and us.

There is a recording device on the floor it belongs to an artist Abdessamad El Montassir that was doing a residency at Espace Diadé Camara. You can check is very interesting work in this link. He is interested in poetry and in oral transmission used by the Maures from Mauritania and also from Western Sahara where he cames from.
We always leave before the end as the songs go on till the first light in the sky...

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