
October 26, 2015

Hommage to Said Ould Hamody

Said ould Hamody had one of the biggest libraries I have seen in Mauritania with a collection of new and old books and almost all of what had been published about the country. He left this world 40 days ago and family and friends decided to do a gathering to pay hommage to this great man of culture, a writer and a defender of Human Rights.
I didn't know him very well but we had crossed paths many times, inland and in Nouakchott. I had visited his library and had sketched him a couples of times.
A small booklet was published for the occasion with his photo and the pieces written by friends and admirers, both in French and Arabic. I had forgotten my sketchbook so I used it to sketch the event.
The place was full and a small luncheon was served in between were messages and poems dedicated to Said where spoken by his friends.

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