
December 02, 2015

Las Palmas, western coast

aeroporte Nkc

aeroporte Nkc

After 4 months perspiring in the heat and humidity of Nouakchott while working for my painting exhibition (photos soon) I was ready to get away even if it was only for a week. Relax, a bit of cool weather but not cold and this urge to see my father before one of us departs made for a perfect occasion to visit Canary Islands. easy to get for both of us.

Casa Rural El Junquillo

Even if for my dad, an ideal holiday would have been the seaside so that he could swim all day and enjoy a 'latte' in a Café by the sea front reading a newspaper and watching the people go by, he knew I wanted green and as far as possible from over developed mass tourism.
So he rented this beautiful small cottage in the mountains in the middle of nowhere and we almost got lost trying to find it in the first night.

market day, Teror

tree in Teror

The weather was like, drizzle and small rain with the occasional rain burst up in the mountains and sunny with a few clouds down in the coast just a few kilometers away, perfect for me not that much rain or drizzle in Mauritania, temperatures between 19ºC and 23 ºC.
It was still raining in the drawing with the tree but fathers move a lot more faster and won't be waiting for daughters to finish drawings unless smoking a cigar.

houses in the rocks, Puerto Sardina

Puerto sardina

visiting Cueva Pintada


Galdar an Sardina

Everyday we left our confortable 'home' in the mountains and leisurely discovered the western Coast of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Small towns, valleys and cliffs. good food and cheeses and this amazing mild temperature.

Puerto Agaete

fish traps in Agaete

We did go one day to the Southern part of the Island so that my father could have a swim but we did go to the mountain again for lunch and that was good.

man in trunks with mobile and Mogan 
quick sketches and Portillo


And for our last day the town of Arucas, were the remains of the wealth (and destruction- for a period of a hundred years trees where being cut down to allow for the functioning of all the sugar process with caldrons boiling for 24h00 ) brought to the Islands by the sugar cane and banana Industry are still visible in the beautiful mansions that surround the town and in the landscape where banana' fields take the most part of arable land.

Arucas, La Catedral

Arucas, against violence towards women

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